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Architects in Oxford

Definition of architect in English:

Architects in Oxford, UK 7
  • 1A person who designs buildings and in many cases also supervises their construction.

    ‘the great Norman architect of Durham Cathedral’

  • ‘At that point in his career, the young architect had no experience designing such large buildings.’
  • ‘This would result in its demolition and replacement by a new building designed by the architect James Sterling.’
  • ‘So the historian has as relevant a role in the process of urban design as the architect, planner and politician.’
  • ‘To the immediate south was a more handsome Victorian building constructed by architects John Lessels and John Patterson in 1873 to replace an earlier structure.’
  • ‘Freire and Lopes, who had experience of working with old buildings were appointed as architects.’
  • ‘However, for large inspections, the contractors would, I think, normally wish to use the architect who designed the building.’
  • ‘The jury was impressed by the partnership between the architects and the building contractor.’
  • ‘For inexperienced architects joining a team designing a tall building, this book is a must.’
  • ‘Its architects designed buildings that defied gravity.’
  • ‘As architects continue to design buildings with large amounts of glass, the problems of keeping it clean become paramount.’
  • ‘According to the architect, the building consumes half the energy of a traditional office building.’
  • ‘Thus, it was intended to blend with the interior decorative painting, which was supervised by the architect William Kent.’
  • ‘Through no fault of the architects, the building will need major maintenance in a few years' time.’
  • ‘The extent to which architects shepherd construction has shifted over the years.’
  • ‘The Ronchamp chapel was the first of three religious buildings designed by the architect.’
  • ‘The facade of a building represents the architect's signature, but it is also a source of light and a thermal barrier.’
  • ‘Both of the schemes were designed by council architects under the supervision of County Architect Deirdre Sullivan.’
  • ‘A council spokeswoman later confirmed that the authority had now put out tenders for landscape design architects, building architects and quantity surveyors.’
  • ‘I actually emailed the architects who designed the building, just before I found this site.’
  • ‘Rovaniemi is a planned city, designed by architect Alvar Aalto and shaped like a reindeer horn.’
  • designer, planner, builder, building consultant, draughtsman

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