Historical places in England

- Search - enter a valid place name to start your search (for instance use Denby for Denby Dale). You can't search by postcode.
- Results - if there are lots of boxes for your chosen place, click to expand the list of subjects to choose from. Click on 'open the box' to open the gallery.
- Gallery - a gallery of clickable images. Browse this to find one or more images to look at more closely, then click to see the card detail.
- Card detail - this makes it easier to see the image and handwritten information on the front of cards and on the back of each print, or you can click on the image to zoom.
- Zoom - zoom and rotate to read the handwriting and examine the image in detail.
Any concerns about these images?
The England’s Places website enables users to explore images from the Architectural Red Boxes Collection. The Historic England Archive aims to make as many of its collections available online as possible. As part of this ambition we have published images of the cards in the Architectural Red Boxes Collection for reference.
With a collection of this size and scope, which has been added to over a long period of time, it’s possible that some images may still be in copyright and that copyright in such an image is owned by someone other than Historic England.
As a consequence of this we stress that users must contact us to check whether they may use any of the images for anything other than personal research.
If you are concerned that we have published any images in error, please contact us by sending an email to archive@HistoricEngland.org.uk, with the subject line “England’s Places Takedown Request”. When contacting us please indicate the card reference numbers for images you’d like us to investigate and the reason for your request. We will acknowledge receipt of your email.
If we receive a complaint the image(s) can be temporarily removed from view whilst we investigate. Images will not normally be permanently removed until a request has been fully considered.