Sights in Oxford

1[mass noun] The faculty or power of seeing.
‘Joseph lost his sight as a baby’
[as modifier] ‘a sight test’
eyesight, vision, eyes, faculty of sight, power of sight, ability to see, visual perception, observation
- 1.1The action or fact of seeing someone or something.
‘I've always been scared of the sight of blood’
- ‘That emotion was the only thing that kept Paris from retching; she was still a young angel, this was her very first sight of blood.’
- ‘The sight of the blood no longer bothered me; I had seen far too much blood in my twenty years.’
- ‘The sight of Midge shot blood to every corner of his being, drowning his pain further with each heartbeat.’
- ‘The sight of him looking like the homeless person he actually was joins the iconic images of our time.’
- ‘The sight of the blood had been enough, but all the gory was too much for her to bear.’
- ‘The sight of Noel, looking so much more the girlfriend I'd always wanted than Abby ever had, melted my heart.’
- ‘We had not one look, glance, sight, glimpse, sound, whisper, touch, tap, smell, scent.’
- ‘Reese cringed at the extreme sight of blood.’
- ‘Yet worse then all that was the fact that the very sight of him made her hunger for his touch all over again…’
- ‘The sight of blood flowing from his lip and nose was almost too much.’
- ‘The sight of the blood and the use of the blade were obviously the key to his sexuality, according to forensic psychologists.’
- ‘Scotty glanced about for any sight of the East Team before answering.’
- ‘Shana was the first to recover from the disturbing sight of blood trickling through Krist's fingers.’
- ‘The sight of her eyes constantly shifting from blue to gold did nothing to calm him.’
- ‘At the first sight of blood the man changed channels to find the game show that he usually watched in the late afternoon.’
- ‘The sight of the Look Out being lashed in the way that it was is a memory that will stay with me forever.’
- ‘She knew this bliss could not have lasted long, unfortunately, for she awoke at the expected sight of blood.’
- ‘The sight of blood set her heart racing and she had the urge to throw something else at the woman.’
- ‘The sight of blood could set some people into hysterics.’
- ‘Ebony gasped at the sudden sight of blood and backed away.’
- 1.2The area or distance within which someone can see or something can be seen.
‘he now refused to let Rose out of his sight’
- ‘When his cottage is out of her sight, she looks at the grass and cries an ocean of tears as she reaches her cottage within four hours.’
- ‘Seattle is still within sight to the northeast, and the snowcapped Olympic Mountains rise just above the wing to the west.’
- ‘Continue your activities, paying no attention to your child but remaining within sight.’
- ‘Although they were clearly within sight, they seemed very distant and remote.’
- ‘The castle loomed above us, within sight, but we could not summon enough energy to convince each other to go up there.’
- ‘The only thing within sight was a figure off in the distance.’
- ‘At least there, they hadn't needed to be close at all times, just within sight.’
- ‘I got up quickly when I realized, but Faith was, oddly enough, not within my sight.’
- ‘The men were drowned within sight and sound and near touching distance of frantic relatives.’
- ‘The line was almost within sight, less than 1km away on a crowd-lined finishing straight in central Nancy.’
- ‘Before leaving my sight, Itrenore looked back one last time and smiled at me.’
- ‘If your child wants you to stay, but you do not want to watch the procedure, step back, but stay within your child's sight.’
- ‘In fact, your teenager will be out of your sight most of the time.’
- ‘The crew also said they fired flares when another boat came within sight, but that it did not stop for them.’
- ‘Sheldon still walks her dogs in the forest, but is more apprehensive about letting the animals out of her sight when in the area.’
- ‘I watched as her shadow fled from my sight before looking down at the cloth to finish folding it into a little compress.’
- ‘Indeed, you can find some marvellous fishing within sight and sound of Copenhagen airport itself.’
- ‘For some time now dog snatching has been prevalent in our area and all dogs should be within sight at all times.’
- ‘She shook her head not even bothering to ask where he was off to, but as soon as he had disappeared from her sight, curiosity got a hold of her.’
- ‘Partners had to remain within sight and be on hand to witness recordings of any fish caught.’
- 1.3dated A person's view or consideration.
‘we are all equal in the sight of God’
- ‘The first step on the road to heaven for each of us is to realize our true spiritual state in the sight of God.’
- ‘The prelude to this is the acknowledgement that all people are equal in the sight of God, which is the enduring logic for the juridical equality of all citizens.’
- ‘Vigilance and piety prevailed over the brute force of nature, and Juliet and John are married in the sight of God as well as of the State of New Jersey.’
- ‘Vows declaring two individuals permanently one in the sight of God, a bond no one may put asunder, are taken as mostly a quaint rhetoric or archaic poetry.’
- ‘Nothing but nothing justifies suicide bombing - the life of every Israeli child is of equal value and as precious in the sight of God as that of every Palestinian child.’