Architectural Salvage, Glasgow

- Here at G.A.S, we offer a wide range of services covering various activities, some of these have been mentioned in our introductory page. There follows a full list of our services.
- Doors can be stripped back to the original wood.
- Where Yale locks have been fitted, (for example), we can expertly patch them with matching timber.
- Doors can be cut down to fit an opening, we can advise how much can be removed.
- Radiators can be tested & fitted with modern fittings, blasted, primed & topcoated if required.
- We can usually hold an item without charge for a week, just call or email us if there is anything you are interested in.
- We can hire out items - to film makers, for example, on a short term or long term basis.
- We will locate for you an item if we possibly can. All you need to do is find something on our archive or if you can provide us with a photo we will get in touch as soon as we find a suitable match.
- We can usually supply pews to your desired length.
- If there is anything else we could do, let us know and we'll be glad to try and help.
- We deliver (£20 within glasgow) and can arrange national delivery if required.
- We buy salvage for cash and will visit and offer you a fair deal usually within the week almost anywhere in central Scotland. Though we're not coming all the way to Castle Douglas for a door knob you understand!