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Urban Realms

About Urban Realms

About Urban Realms Tom and Cathy

Urban Realms began in September of 2013 as a

project. The fabulous backers on Kickstarter supplied Tom and Catherine Thrush with twice the money they needed to get their first map off the ground. Check out their Silidor Valley Map Kickstarter. Watch the video below on how this map came to be. Tom and Catherine ran their second successful Kickstarter in 2014, this time, to create 3 journals specifically for RPG gamers. Check out their Adventure Journal Kickstarter.

They have more Kickstarter projects planned for the coming year.


Tom has been DMing Dungeons and Dragons games since the age of twelve, so his love of maps and fantasy runs deep. During the week he's a mild manner IT professional, but on the weekends he unleashes orcs and undead on his unsuspecting wife and friends.

Catherine, while a relative newcomer to D&D, has a degree in Studio Art - which qualifies her to starve anywhere. She wrote and illustrated her first tween fantasy novel,

, at the age of eighteen. It was published by a small Midwestern publisher in 1985. After college she started a glass art business which she ran for nearly 15 years. Since then, she has gone back to writing and is currently trying to sell her historical fiction swashbuckler, Lady Blade.

Tom and Catherine have a cafepress page where they sell a whole slue of D&D themed t-shirts and products that they like to think are clever.

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