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British Architecture

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Royal British Architects

Posted by on October 22, 2016 – 08:40 pm

Royal British Architects

For the Institute to have engaged in this issue in a confrontational way – by seeking suspension of the Israeli Association of United Architects from the UIA – was wrong,he said. Hodder had previously revealed that the controversy had cost the RIBA £100, in donations and revenue from lost venue bookings at its London headquarters on Portland Place. The RIBA s elected council members voted in March under the leadership of previous president Angela Brady to ask for the suspension of the IAUA, on the grounds that members were complicit in construction…

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British Fashion Council

Posted by on October 20, 2016 – 08:36 pm

British Fashion Council

The British Fashion Council is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to further the interests of the British fashion industry and its designer businesses by harnessing and sharing collective knowledge, experience and resources of the sector. The BFC is funded by industry patrons, commercial sponsors and the government including the Mayor of London and the ERDF. The BFC has five strategic pillars; business, reputation, education, digital & innovation and investment. The BFC showcases the best of British fashion design to an international…

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British colonial Architecture

Posted by on November 14, 2013 – 10:15 am

British colonial Architecture

Architecture would fulfil many functions for the British as they spread their empire throughout the world: whether to inspire awe, or to remind British functionaries and settlers of a sentimentalised Britain that they had left behind. However, imperial architecture would also be modified and influenced by the cultures, environments and peoples that it came into contact with. There was no single, unified architectural style imposed on the colonies. Odd hybrid building styles could be wildly different from one colony to another as the British sought…

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British Houses

Posted by on July 21, 2014 – 01:34 pm

British Houses

Aerial view of north London. UK homes are the mostly costly to heat within EU, due to poor maintenance and insulation. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA UK homes are some of the most expensive to heat in Europe because of poor maintenance and insulation, according to new figures from the EU compiled for the Guardian. The analysis of official EU data also found that the UK has the highest levels of fuel poverty of a dozen comparable EU nations, as well as one of the worst proportions of homes in a poor state of repair. Over 10m British families live…

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British colonial Architecture in India

Posted by on March 31, 2016 – 02:18 pm

British colonial Architecture in India

European colonists brought with them to India concepts of their world view and a whole baggage of the history of European architecture - Neo-Classical, Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance. The initial structures were utilitarian warehouses and walled trading posts, giving way to fortified towns along the coastline. The Portuguese adapted to India the climatically appropriate Iberian galleried patio house and the Baroque churches of Goa. Se Cathedral and Arch of Conception of Goa were built in the typical Portuguese-Gothic style. The St. Francis…

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Architecture Schools in Ontario

Posted by on May 6, 2016 – 09:39 am

Architecture Schools in Ontario

Welcome to the Internationally Trained Professionals Information page. Since our inception in 1890, an average of 40% of our membership has identified a country of origin other than Canada. To quote OAA Past President Sheena Sharp “Architecture is an international profession that is licensed provincially”. All the Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities agree on certain conditions for licensure. Those conditions can be found in the Internship in Architecture Program (IAP) Manual. Criteria specific to Ontario can be found in Appendix “B” to…

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