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British Architecture

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Architecture Edinburgh University

Posted by on January 27, 2018 – 09:02 am

Architecture Edinburgh University

ESALA understands Architecture as the discipline responsible for the design of the built environment. It is both a celebration of our cultural inheritance and a statement of our cultural ambitions. Therefore, we could describe our activity in ESALA as the research and exploration of contemporary society, philosophically, historically, technologically and culturally through the medium of Architecture. While studying at ESALA, you will acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of how buildings are made, and in the pursuit of this acquire skills…

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Architecture Berlin

Posted by on November 2, 2017 – 09:01 pm

Architecture Berlin

Short notice, but I’ll be giving a short talk tomorrow with Prof. Harald Bodenschatz at the TU, as part of an event for the launch of the Berlin Urban Design book (see earlier post). I’ll stick to the point, and they’ll be slides! All details below: Der Hinterhof in Berlin Brennpunkt des Berliner Städtebaus Abendveranstaltung anlässlich des Erscheinens der zweiten, erweiterten Auflage von * Städtebau in Berlin. Schreckbild und Vorbild für Europa * Berlin Urban Design. A Brief History of a European City Verlag DOM publishers In der städtebaulichen…

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British Architectural Library

Posted by on October 25, 2017 – 08:54 pm

British Architectural Library

Originally designed by architect Sir Colin St John Wilson and his partner MJ Long between 1982 and 1, it was the largest UK public building to be built in the 20th century. Intended to move and inspire its visitors, today the British Library’s London site is much-loved and well-used by scholars and members of the public alike for its soaring and stimulating spaces. With its five public floors sweeping upwards like a wave, the architecture is both immense and extraordinary. Surrounded on both sides by 11 Reading Rooms, the Library’s centrepiece is…

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MIT Department of Architecture

Posted by on October 5, 2017 – 07:58 pm

MIT Department of Architecture

PhD students complete 144 units (not including registration in 4.THG) during their residency at MIT. This is usually accomplished over the first two years of residency by enrolling in an average of 36 units per term, the equivalent of three subjects. The breakdown of required subjects is as follows: 4.661, Methods Seminar, is taken each fall term for first two years—2 x 12 = 24 units A minimum of six lecture or seminar subjects—6 x 12 = 72 units 24 additional units of lecture or seminar subjects, or via enrollment in independent research studies…

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Fashion British

Posted by on July 20, 2017 – 02:54 pm

Fashion British

The Award, now in its third year, plays a key role in internationalising the Graduate Fashion Week schedule and celebrates the importance of emerging talent in the fashion industry. It gives outstanding graduates from UK universities a chance to take part in a residency where they will work with local designers, universities and craftspeople in a country with an emerging fashion industry. The location of the residency changes every year, and this year the winners will travel to Indonesia to produce capsule collections to be showcased at Jakarta…

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Royal British Museum

Posted by on June 30, 2017 – 01:45 pm

Royal British Museum

The British Museum: A Museum for the World Neil MacGregor, Director, British Museum The British Museum was founded in 1753 by an act of Parliament and is the embodiment of Enlightenment idealism. In a revolutionary move, it was from its inception designed to be the collection of every citizen of the world, not a royal possession and not controlled by the state. Over the succeeding 260 plus years it has gathered and exhibited things from all over the globe – antiquities, coins, sculptures, drawings – and made them freely available to anyone who was…

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History of British Architecture

Posted by on June 4, 2017 – 12:36 pm

History of British Architecture

Architecture is about evolution, not revolution. It used to be thought that once the Romans pulled out of Britain in the fifth century, their elegant villas, carefully-planned towns and engineering marvels like Hadrian s Wall simply fell into decay as British culture was plunged into the Dark Ages. It took the Norman Conquest of 1066 to bring back the light, and the Gothic cathedral-builders of the Middle Ages played an important part in the revival of British culture. The great cathedrals and parish churches that lifted up their towers to heaven…

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London Housing Design

Posted by on May 15, 2017 – 10:39 am

London Housing Design

On 25 March 2015 the government introduced new technical housing standards following its Housing Standards Review. The new system comprises additional ‘optional’ Building Regulations on water and access and a nationally described space standard, all effective from 1 October 2015. The Mayor intends to adopt the new national technical standards through a minor alteration to the London Plan. In advance of this, as required by government, he has published a Housing Standards Policy Transition Statement. This sets out how the existing policies relating…

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When was the British Museum built

Posted by on April 19, 2017 – 08:30 am

When was the British Museum built

The King s Library was a royal collection of books created by King George and donated to the nation. A gallery, named after the collection, was built at the British Museum in 1827 to house them. It is the oldest room in the Museum and now home to the permanent exhibition Enlightenment: Discovering the world in the eighteenth century . The original collection and gallery The King s Library, a collection of over 60, books, was formed by King George (1760–1820) and given to the nation in 1823 by his son King George IV. When the library was donated…

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British Baroque

Posted by on January 6, 2017 – 11:38 pm

British Baroque

Duke of Marlborough s Grandchildren at Blenheim Palace. Photograph: Lichfield/Lichfield/Getty Images In 1660, the Stuart court that returned from the continent with Charles II brought more than restoration, merriment and a yearning for the old ways. It brought a taste for Dutch and French architecture. The English Renaissance, begun haltingly under Queen Elizabeth, reborn under Inigo Jones but repressed during the interregnum, now found its feet. It was not easy. The mannerist classicism of the Jacobean era was still associated with old England…

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