British Institute of Architects

The RIBA was established in 1834, its main objectives being 'the advancement of architecture and the promotion of the acquirement of the knowledge of the Arts and Sciences connected therewith'.
The Institute's Charter empowers it to grant diplomas, certificates or other forms of recognition. It has over 28, 000 members of whom c.4500 are overseas members and there are, in addition, over 5000 student members.
The RIBA is governed by a Council of 62 members which, under the chairmanship of the President, manages the affairs of the Institute. The Chief Executive heads the staff of permanent officials who service the Institute's Council and Committees and maintain and extend the Institute's influence in the world on behalf of members.
UK Offices at: Bath, Birmingham, Cambridge, Cardiff, Leeds, London, Newcastle, Nottingham, Plymouth, Reading, Tunbridge Wells
Client Services:
The CS unit exists to help clients identify the right architect for a given project. To achieve this, CS operates a computerised database which holds information on approximately 3, 500 RIBA Registered Practices and the projects they have undertaken in the past 10 years. Data on each practice includes a practice profile, information about past projects, areas of expertise and the range of services offered by that practice. No other organisation holds such in-depth information or uses a comparable database. For further information ring: 020 7307 3700.
Competitions Office:
This exists to help clients set up and manage architectural competitions as a means of choosing the best architect and at the same time promoting excellence in architectural design. The Competitions Office provides the following services: selecting the right competition framework, drawing up rules and conditions, finding independent assessors, developing appropriate briefing documentation, accessing the RIBA directory of registered practices, managing an independent auditable competitive process, secretariat services, organising an exhibition of the winning entries, PR management and RIBA endorsement of the competitions. For further information ring: 0113 234 1335.
Services to Members:
Information and Advice:
Members Information Line;
Photographs, drawing and archives collections;
Practice database;
RIBA Journal;
Specialist Advisors Panel for practice matters;
Monthly technology seminars.
Personal Development Service:
Annual earnings survey;
CPD resources for local advice and events, personal plan and learning packs;
Annual research grants of £25k of awards for academic or practice based projects.
Practice Promotion Service:
Annual awards scheme;
Clients' Advisory Service;
Competitions Hotline
RIBA Directory of Practices;
Register of Planning Supervisors.
Professional Support Service:
Conciliation service;
Members Business Centre;
Professional literature such as forms of appointment, practice management handbooks, etc;
RIBAnet providing computer conferencing facilities.
RIBA Commercial Services:
Appointments Bureau for architectural recruitment;
Insurance agency;
National Building Specification;
Office Library Service;
Product selector and RIBACAD - a specifier's guide, in print or on disk and a CAD library of product images;
RIBAti Technical Indexes.
Social and Cultural Events:
Architecture Centre at 66 Portland Place with an international programme of events, lectures and exhibitions;
Monthly Members Evenings at 66 Portland Place;
Local functions organised by 14 regional offices and 77 branches.
RIBA Chartered Architects are highly qualified professionals who must have completed a minimum of seven years of study and practical training before being able to practice. All Chartered Architects' activities are governed by a strict code of professional conduct and they are accountable in law for the way they carry out their professional duties. Chartered Architects are independent professionals with a unique blend of design and technical skills and an obligation to keep them up-to-date. They transform ideas into buildings by analysing clients' requirements and the characteristics of their site, and then design a practicable, workable, economical and pleasing solution to their needs. The Chartered Architect is the professional best fitted by training and experience to be a clients' principal advisor.
RIBA Chartered Architects are working in almost every country, designing an extremely wide variety of buildings: from shoe shops in Japan to hotels in Ghana; from business parks in Germany to hospitals in Hong Kong. Many architectural practices have well established overseas offices of their own, or have developed some form of association or partnership with local authorities. Others will work mainly from their country of origin and will set up local or site offices as needed. More information regarding RIBA Chartered Architects' specialised knowledge and experience abroad can be found in the RIBA International Directory of Practices or through the Client Services Unit.
The RIBA has chartered members practising throughout the world.
RIAS (Edinburgh)
RSUA (Belfast)
RSAW (Wales)