Architects professional body

The RIBA promotes better buildings, communities and the environment through architecture. This organisation upholds standards in the architectural industry and provides training, support and recognition for members in the UK and overseas. The RIBA works with government to improve the design quality of public buildings, residential homes and new communities.
There are six categories of membership in the RIBA and these are Student, Associate, Chartered, Retired Chartered, Chartered Practice and Affiliate. Members of the RIBA can benefit from the following:
- A comprehensive architectural library
- RIBA Information Centre
- Networking opportunities
- Lectures, seminars and exhibitions
- Discounted venue hire
Further information, including informational videos and PDF documents, can be found on the RIBA website at
RIBA Contact Details66 Portland Place
Tel: 020 7580 5533
Fax: 020 7255 1541
The Association of Consultant Architects (ACA)
The ACA is a national professional body, which represents architects in private practice across the UK. The ACA was formed in 1973 and represents some of the UK's foremost architectural practices. This association furthers architectural practices in a number of ways including composing business contracts, directory publishing, organising conferences and seminars, maintaining relationships with other trade associations and lobbying parliament and other professional bodies.
Members of the ACA may benefit from the following:
- Specialist directory listing
- Representation to national and government bodies
- ACA Business Advisory help-sheets
- Legal advice help-line
- Industry news updates
- Access to all ACA publications at a membership discount
- Exhibitions of members' work
More information can be found on the ACA website at
ACA Contact Details60 Godwin Road
Tel/Fax: 020 8466 9079
The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS)
The RIAS was formed in 1916, and is a professional body for chartered architects in Scotland. It is the premiere architectural institute in Scotland, dealing with the built environment. The RIAS has charitable status and provides various services and products for architects, architectural students and professionals in the construction field.
The RIAS operates with The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), and it is recommended that members of the RIAS, who live or work in Scotland, apply for joint membership. Members of the RIAS can benefit from the following:
- Events and conventions
- Support and advice
- Access to extensive architectural material
Further information can be found on the RIAS website at
RIAS Contact Details15 Rutland Square
Tel: 0131 229 7545
Fax: 0131 228 2188
Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologies (CIAT)
CIAT represents professionals, both working and studying, in the area of architectural technology. CIAT is an internationally recognised qualifying body for chartered architectural technologists and qualified architectural technicians.
There are various categories of membership with CIAT, and members can benefit from the following:
- Career development assistance
- Accreditation schemes and qualifications
- Reduced rates on training courses
- Reduced subscription fee for RIBA
- Regular industry development updates
- Discounted subscriptions to industry related publications
More information can be found on the CIAT website at
CIAT Contact Details