Glasgow, Website
The Project has two main aims. Firstly, to produce for the first time a separate, stand-alone catalogue of the 1, 000 plus incunabula in the University of Glasgow Library in the form of an electronic catalogue published on the University Library’s website. Secondly, building on the data contained in the Web Catalogue, to undertake a complete revision of the present records for incunabula scattered throughout the Library’s main online catalogue, many of which – produced nearly a century ago – now show deficiencies and inaccuracies.
Please note: the preparation of entries for the Web Catalogue is ongoing, and the website is a work in progress, with new records being added at regular intervals. See the library blog for updates on details of books recently added. We would be glad to receive your comments and suggestions; corrections and additions are also welcome since a work of this nature can never be perfect or complete. The indexes to the Web Catalogue, of course, only relate to work done so far and the introductory sections are provisional (the section on the history of the collections, for example, will only be completed at the end of the Project).
Please contact the following Project staff:

Illuminated initials from Scriptores historiae Augustae Milan: Philippus de Lavagnia, 1475 (Sp Coll Hunterian Ds.2.6-7)