Glasgow Forums

The overall aim of this work is to provide coordinated opportunities for mental health carers to gain knowledge and information on local and national policy and strategy developments which may impact on their caring role. The development worker supports carers to influence these developments and the people involved in making policy and delivering services to mental health carers through various awareness raising initiatives, creative engagement opportunities and representation at forums.
Recent work has included the development of a Carers booklet and DVD co-produced by Glasgow Association for Mental Health and funded by NHSGCC The work was developed in partnership with carers from Glasgow Carers Forum Mental Health and staff and carers from within statutory and voluntary sector agencies. The Carers booklet and DVD entitled "Im Here Too" will help to raise awareness of the role of mental health carers in supporting recovery for those experiencing mental health problems and their families and friends. Carers hope that these resources will help to challenge the stigma still associated around mental ill health and highlight sources of support available for mental health carers in Glasgow today.
The Carers Forum has been developing since 2006 and became a constituted group in 2009. The overall management of the Forum rests with the Management Committee which is made up solely of mental health carers. Membership of the Forum is made up of mental health carers, living within and/or supporting someone living within Glasgow. Professionals working in the field of mental health also attend the Forum to share good practice, information and developments. Members of the Forum, supported by the Development Worker and GAMH are keen to seek opportunities to challenge the stigma which still exists around mental ill health and to promote recovery in mental health.