Strathclyde University Architecture

This class is organised within a meta-theme shared by the year, and developed within design units. Design Studies comprise two projects, Design Studies 5 A and 5B; the first consisting in the in-depth investigation, analysis and development of a design proposition, the latter in its detailed resolution.
This class aims to consolidate and develop your knowledge in key thematic areas - contemporary architectural history and theory, urban design and culture, technology and environment and new forms of media and communication. It's organised around lectures and workshops to map out ideas, thinkers and projects from a variety of disciplines that have a direct bearing on the production and use of buildings and cities.
You're introduced to a field of knowledge that is drawn from the social sciences, architectural and construction history, political science, cultural studies, economic and critical theory.
This class aims to prepare you by developing your knowledge, skill and maturity to carry out, on qualification, their professional and architectural duties responsibly and effectively. It introduces you to issues of cost control mechanisms within the context of the architectural design and construction process, to business issues pertaining to running an architectural practice, to procurement methods and the administrative and contractual procedures involved in administering an architectural project.
Special Study Project 5
Choose from this list based on your interest and to support your design thesis and Masters dissertation
This class explores the role of the mentor in architectural practice allowing students to investigate professional skills and techniques common to education and industry.
You'll learn about the contextual conditions which generated specific architectural artefacts as a means to understand their functioning and approaches to conservation.
You'll learn the social, cultural, political, aesthetic, economic and environmental values that underpin current conservation policy and practice and the approaches to conservation these generate locally and internationally, to ascertain their appropriateness in specific contexts.
You'll learn how elements such as streets, squares, urban blocks have changed through time and what factors shaped them.
You'll learn how urban ideas, theories and approaches have responded to contextual conditions in time and how they have shaped human lives and the environment for generations to come; as well as the current urban challenges and the fit of current urban design tools and approaches.
You'll learn the impact of the urban landscape on human wellbeing and perception, and the role of ecological networks as an integral part of urban form.
You'll learn the impact that urban growth has on social, economic and environmental sustainability.
You'll pursue an area of specific interest out-with the confines of the set curriculum, developing awareness of cultural diversity and integration within an international context.
This class introduces students to the field of environment-behaviour studies looking at cultural, social, and psychological issues in architecture and urban design.
Students on the Masters stream (MArch and MSc) are required to complete a substantial piece of research, which can include a design with or a written investigation of an area/topic of interest.
This piece of work is generally carried out over a summer semester and is an opportunity for you to explore an issue of relevance to the course through engagement with its cultural, technical, and/or professional context. The work must demonstrate academic rigour.
Over the two years of the programme you're expected to compile a comprehensive academic portfolio which will include all design projects undertaken over the two years of study as well as the outputs of any subject classes.
Your own academic work should be accompanied by the project briefs and all feedback documentation received. The portfolio should be complied in a digital format offering a clear structure and navigation.
Learning & teaching
The course is made up of studio design work, lectures, special projects and workshops.
The focus of study is on design project work including the analysis, synthesis and appraisal of design ideas. You'll then show your understanding of these ideas through drawings, physical and digital models, written and graphic work.
Each part of the course allows you to explore and develop projects related to your own interests in contemporary architecture.