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Architecture University Rankings

America's Best Architecture Schools 2015

How Firms Succeed 5.0Which schools are best preparing students for success in architecture?

Note: the full report—including Architecture programs ranked 11-20 and related rankings for interior design, landscape architecture, and industrial design programs—is now available in print and PDF editions.

For over a decade, "America's Best Architecture & Design Schools" from DesignIntelligence has been the definitive school ranking as determined by practitioners who employ design professionals.

Survey Methodology:

America’s Best Architecture & Design Schools is conducted annually by DesignIntelligence on behalf of the Design Futures Council. The research ranks undergraduate and graduate programs from the perspective of leading practitioners. This 15th annual survey was conducted in mid-2014.

CODAawardsSelected professional practice leaders with direct experience hiring and supervising the performance of recent architecture and design graduates are invited to participate in the research. Survey participants, who are drawn from the Greenway Group database of leading firms throughout the United States, must verify they are currently responsible for hiring or supervising design professionals in each of the design fields for which they respond: architecture, industrial design, interior design, and landscape architecture. Surveys from non-qualifying individuals are excluded from the results.

For the four professions surveyed, a total of 1, 426 professional practice organizations participated in the research.

The professional practice survey queried participants on the question, “In your firm’s hiring experience in the past five years, which of the following schools are best preparing students for success in the profession?” In addition, they are queried about additional issues, such as how programs rate in teaching various skills.

The Top 10 Undergraduate Architecture Programs - 2015

Cornell University

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Rice University

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

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