Building and Waste
We are modern people. Sometimes, we are moving with too high speed, forgetting about all the consequences. Just look at modern cities and you will see how much the...
Study Architecture in London
In this eight-week summer program beginning in Paris and moving on to London, students will study the historical development of architectural styles and aesthetics...
Broadcasting Place Leeds Met
Show your creative flair in our light and airy studios. You’ll have all the space you need to work either by yourself or in your project groups, in an environment...
UK Architecture University
University of Greenwich Department of Architecture and Landscape in partnership with MSA University, Cairo presents 2016 Architecture and Landscape Summer School...
Architecture jobs Edinburgh
Edinburgh Architect Jobs, Lothian Architecture Vacancies, Scottish Positions, Recruitment, Technicians Lothian Architectural Recruitment – East of Scotland Vacancy...
Famous Monuments in England
Originally a wooden structure built by William the Conqueror in 1068, Warwick Castle was rebuilt in stone in the 12th century. During the Hundred Years War, the...