Search courses UCAS

With so many different types of training programmes on offer, it's important to think about what you want to do and the route into teaching you want to take. Before you start your search, please read through our advice to help you choose the right training programme.
Then you can search through thousands of training programmes in England and Wales to find the one that's right for you.
Here you can refine your search using a number of different criteria. This will show you training programmes that are most relevant to what you're looking for.
You can apply to up to three training programmes on your UCAS Teacher Training application. You don’t have to use all three but if you do, you have to make them at the same time – you can’t add them at a later date.
The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) — part of the Department for Education (DfE) — is responsible for managing the allocation of teacher training places in England. For 2016 entry, NCTL will not be allocating a specific number of training places to individual training providers. Instead, providers will be able to recruit as many trainees as they feel they need, until the NCTL advises a sufficient number of trainee teachers have been recruited overall.
Training providers will recruit suitable trainees on a first-come, first-served basis until NCTL advises they can no longer recruit. Once training programmes have been filled, it’s up to a training provider to remove their vacancies from our search tool. We suggest you contact your chosen training providers to check they’re still recruiting before adding them as a choice on your application.
UCAS is not involved in managing the allocation of teacher training places, or determining how many trainees a provider can recruit.