Schools of Architecture

The School of Architecture's online classes have been designed to teach the process of designing and making visual and physical changes to our built environment to enhance its quality and our experience of it. The classes also prepare students to contribute to the practice of architecture and urban design.
The Architecture program offers accredited undergraduate and graduate online degrees taught by experienced professionals. Additionally, students have the opportunity to learn from architects, artists, engineers, and construction professionals through the online system. The online architecture program balances the intellectual, artistic, and technical abilities necessary for professional practice.
Students are encouraged to engage both theory and practice, achieving a balance between conceptual thinking and practical problem solving. A holistic understanding of basic design principles, history, theory, and technology is emphasized under the direction of a faculty of professional experts.
Design studio critiques are critical to the success of any architecture student. We keep this tradition by using web conferencing to interact with students, and bringing online guest reviewers and critics to participate in the design process. Communication and collaboration between students and instructors are key features in making the online educational process an engaging and exciting process.