New House Design UK
The design has evolved through extensive and detailed consultation.
A new learning landscape
A new piece of urban landscape, rising and falling, making the campus and Penrhyn Road a greener and more attractive environment. The building steps back from Grove Crescent to respect our neighbours.
An improved approach to the University and Kingston town centre
The area at the front of the campus will be landscaped, creating a welcoming and attractive public space.
Landscaping and the public realm
The design includes welcoming new landscaped areas.
The structure of the proposed building has been lightened and the columns are more slender. The building has been set a further one metre back from the road. The colonnade width has been reduced but still allows for generous outdoor covered public space.
People, plants and green spaces
The public realm is vastly improved by replacing the existing car park. The new landscaping is designed to encourage biodiversity.
Civic presence
The new colonnade is open for the full height and depth of the building, establishing a civic presence which complements Surrey County Hall opposite. The new colonnade provides a covered thoroughfare which is three metres wide.
More space for pedestrians
Currently the pavement is a maximum of two metres wide. The design removes the low wall. There will be a minimum of 6.5 metres (approximately) between the road and the colonnade. The façade of the building is set back by a further 4.5 metres. (Artist's impression)
Landscaped terraces
There are planted terraces at the upper levels of the building facing Penrhyn Road. These can be used freely by students, staff and the public. (Artist's impression)
Looking back towards the entrance
A grand staircase combined with the open plan design means you will never get lost and will always know where you are in the building.
Covered courtyard
The covered courtyard is designed to seat 300 people in fixed seating with capacity to add flexible seating for larger events. It is intended that it will be available to the public when not in use for formal University events.