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Edinburgh Architecture

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Edinburgh UNESCO

Posted by on March 3, 2023 – 04:16 pm

Edinburgh UNESCO

Edinburgh is the world’s first UNESCO City of Literature. Designated in 2004, the capital of Scotland has a population of almost 500, . It is the birthplace and home to world-famous writers, poets and playwrights including Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes), Walter Scott (Waverley), and JK Rowling (Harry Potter). It has its own Poet Laureate, the Edinburgh Makar. Publishing Scotland, the national body for publishers, as well as award-winning independent publishers are based here. The Edinburgh International Book Festival is the world’s largest…

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Architecture Aberdeen

Posted by on January 18, 2023 – 03:04 pm

Architecture Aberdeen

The Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District Commission (AACDC) meets on the second Thursday of each month to review exterior alterations. DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS All exterior work visible from a public way is subject to the review of the AACDC. Submit a complete application by the appropriate deadline to ensure the project will be on the agenda for review and approval by the Commission before beginning any work. To save time and costs, review the district Standards & Criteria early in the planning process. Review all Instructions and…

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Edinburgh World Heritage Trust

Posted by on December 5, 2022 – 02:10 pm

Edinburgh World Heritage Trust

EDINBURGH WORLD HERITAGE STAFF Susan Buckham – Graveyards Development Officer Susan is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Stirling and specialises in the interdisciplinary study of historic graveyards. Drawing on 20 years of experience in graveyard recording, conservation, research and interpretation, Susan’s knowledge and skills span graveyard history and development, conservation good practice, and the policy and legislation relevant to burial ground management and protection. As Chair of the Death in Scotland Conference Committee…

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Posted by on November 11, 2022 – 01:51 pm


Festival favourite Julia Donaldson is back with more singing, dancing and rhyming fun. Featuring an array of characters from Julia s much-loved books including What the Jackdaw Saw, The Gruffalo and her new book The Detective Dog, this event is a highly Enter into the enchanting world of fairy tales with author and illustrator double-act Abie Longstaff and Lauren Beard. Their Fairytale Hairdresser series gives a witty, contemporary twist to traditional tales. Hear some of their stories, witness live We re thrilled to open the Festival with two of…

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Landscape Architects Edinburgh

Posted by on October 22, 2022 – 01:20 pm

Landscape Architects Edinburgh

Jenny Elliott (née Humberstone) is a Landscape Architect, Designer and Photographer with experience curating place-focussed participatory events and exhibitions. Interested in developing innovative new ways of working to catalyse positive change in urban spaces, Jenny has spent recent years progressing innovative place-based community projects including; Urban Fabric, Secret Cinema, 3 Acres and Hold Me Dear. Jenny has an MA Hons in Geography from University of Edinburgh (1st Class), and a Masters in Landscape Architecture (Distinction) from University…

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RIBA Chartered Architects

Posted by on September 4, 2022 – 11:36 am

RIBA Chartered Architects

The Royal Institute of British Architects is a chartered body which entitles members to use the term “Chartered Architect”, and the following initials: R.I.B.A. (Royal Institute of British Architects). The title “Architect” is protected by law (Architects Act 1997) and by the Architects Registration Board. Anyone calling themselves a building consultant, architectural designer, plan drawer or architectural technician “is not an Architect, and does not have comparable skills or knowledge”. When you use a Chartered Architect you are protected; skills…

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Leeds University of Art

Posted by on July 12, 2022 – 06:51 am

Leeds University of Art

Next month sees the launch of the Leeds Theatres Through Time Heritage Trail, which was researched and created by recent BA History and Sociology graduate Dominique Triggs during her studies. Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, the current President of Iceland, gave the keynote speech at The Future of Wild Europe conference at the University of Leeds this September. Dr Adam Cathcart, Lecturer in Chinese History, has been quoted by the Guardian and Bloomberg on recent events in North Korea and their international implications. More news relating to Faculty…

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House Designs

Posted by on May 20, 2022 – 05:38 am

House Designs

Finden Sie schöne Wohnideen durch inspirierende Einrichtungsbeispiele. Wenn Sie Ihr Haus oder Ihre Wohnung einrichten, sind kreative Wohnideen gefragt. Von Zeit zu Zeit braucht es frischen Wind und neue Ideen für die Inneneinrichtung. Bereits kleine Veränderungen in der Zimmereinrichtung können dazu beitragen, dass wir zuhause schöner wohnen. Beispiele und Bilder von Wohnungseinrichtungen erleichtern die Suche nach Ideen, wie wir unseren Wohnraum gestalten. Bevor wir ein Haus einrichten oder eine Wohnung dekorieren, steht die Wahl einer Farbe meist…

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Architecture in Edinburgh

Posted by on January 20, 2022 – 12:41 pm

Architecture in Edinburgh

In Year 1, you will learn about the building blocks of architectural design. You will work on projects that look at architectural elements and assembly in different contexts. At the same time you will be taught the fundamentals of technology and environment, art practice and architectural history. Year 2 This year works towards integrating your developing design skills in more complex and rewarding urban contexts with ambitious building programmes. It includes a field trip to a European city where design projects are situated. You will continue…

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Old Town Edinburgh map

Posted by on December 11, 2021 – 11:44 am

Old Town Edinburgh map

This Is Edinburgh. Forget the coast, the New Town and the urban sprawl. These days the city boundaries may stretch from Queensferry to Joppa along the Forth and south into the Pentland Hills but when you re talking about the original, medieval Edinburgh, the Old Town is it. It’s not possible to say when the first fortification was built on Castle Rock – there are hints of human occupation going back to the late Bronze Age – but it’s widely accepted that there was some sort of castle by the late 11th century at the highest, rocky and westernmost…

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